Free Online Ministry School

Free Online Ministry School

My name is Makenzie, but I go by different nicknames, Kenzie, Ken, Mac, and so on! I am excited about the Christian Leaders Institute, a free online ministry school. I come from a family of five: Mom, Dad, my older sister, my younger sister, and myself, the middle child! My poor Dad surrounded by so much ‘woman-stuff’ with all of us girls! I was born and raised in Canada and have lived here all my life.

My Weak Foundation

I was born and raised in a Christian home. I’ve lived a lifestyle trained to understand church, prayer, serving, and reading the Word. I have a theory that those individuals who grew up in a Christian home have a much harder time learning how to find their faith and a real awakening through the power of Jesus’s love. As I matured through life, I only understood the schedule and the feeling of regulation with living a Christian life. However, this regulation did not form a firm foundation for me in my faith walk.

I took my weak foundation with me through lots of significant steps in life. Eventually, the only foundation I had slowly started to chip away. High school and college went by with little personal relationship with God. I still believed myself to be a Christian. Many people questioned me about my beliefs. I proclaimed my faith when asked but did not live it in my everyday personal life. It took the death of a dearly loved family member to crumble my foundation completely. I continued to go to church and small group, but in my heart, I swam in a pool of confusion and hurt.

Crisis and Building a Firm Foundation

I ended up taking my broken foundation into an unhealthy relationship that was on its way to marriage. From the venue to the wedding dress, slowly, the event planning came together, but the loud painful voice deep inside me was surfacing. I was disappointed with where I was at, who I was with, and who I was. But, the Lord intervened and opened both our eyes. We canceled the big day and said goodbye to each other.

After that, my walk with the Lord through healing and foundation building began. God so passionately pursued me, and I pursued Him during that time. I am more than happy to say that I found Godly love, my true identity, the relationship I have with the Lord, and the calling that He has placed on my life.

Finding a Free Online Ministry School

So, this all brings me to now, where I am happily involved in my home church as a Worship Leader, Youth Ministry Supervisor, and the training Band Director. My church and its pastors have been supporting and mentoring me in my journey to discover career ministry. This journey has taken me to different places and training, such as here, at Christian Leaders Institute, a free online ministry school!

I am also happy to say that I am in a serious relationship that is on its way to marriage. We look forward to the Lord’s leading in this beautiful partnership of marriage.

My calling is to serve the youth of this generation. My story started with not having an understanding of my true identity during my youth. I realize now that everything starts with learning our true identity in Christ and building a firm foundation on Him. The Christian Leaders Institute has been a blessing in coming alongside me to support my dream. As someone who can not afford or manage the time commitment of full-time school, studying with the Christian Leaders Institute has been a real answer to prayer. I thank God for this platform.

My Life Verse

So, I close with my favorite and ‘life’ verse:

Psalms 37: 3-4
“Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land, and enjoy safe pastures. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. ”

Learn about ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

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